EFOG EBCOG: Ways To Prepare for The Examination and Navigate the Process

Getting Ready for the Examination

EFOG EBCOG Examination Syllabus

The examination is meant for doctors who have completed their training in accordance with their national training program. They are also ready to or have qualified as specialist Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

The duration of such training programmes varies between different countries within Europe. Candidates should consult the EBCOG website to download the new EFOG EBCOG curriculum (2018) for Basic Training (PACT – approved by UEMS as European Training Requirements). This is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contents of the examination. 

Candidates should possess an extensive and up to date knowledge of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. EBCOG does not recommend any specific textbooks for the examination. A lot of material is available for study in print and electronic format. Candidates should be acquainted with current evidence based international guidelines in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

In order to prepare for the EFOG Part 1 examination candidates may consult internationally recommended textbooks.

EFOG Pre-Examination Preparatory Courses

It is not a mandatory requirement to attend such a course. Some candidates may find it useful to prepare for the examination. The course fee is not included in the examination fee.

The EFOG pre-examination course is run several months prior to the examination to help candidates wishing to prepare for the EFOG examination. The place and the dates of any course are announced each time on the website.

There are two types of EFOG Pre-Examination Preparatory courses:

  • KBA Examination (Part 1)
  • OSCE Examination (Part 2)

During these courses, various types of KBA questions and OSCE stations are practiced in the examination area. An application can be found on the EBCOG website. All the information required to apply for the pre-exam course is also available.

Guidance Before and During the EFOG Examination

Regulations Of Part 1 (KBA)

Part 1 of the examination has two computer-based papers. All candidates are supposed to take this online in the examination room.

Before the EFOG Examination

All candidates will receive a test-exam about a week before the date of the EFOG Examination. It is mandatory that all registered candidates visit the website to run this test-exam before the examination. All relevant instructions will be sent to them in an individual email at the same time.

The candidates will be able to access a link to a demonstrator model to get a feel of the examination. This will help the candidates to:

  •  Verify that their computer is compatible with the examination requirements. Tablets cannot be used during the EFOG examination.
  • Learn how to start the examination, submit answers and exit the examination paper.
  • Familiarize themselves with the three types of questions being asked in the papers: MCQs, EMQs and SBAs

The examination timetable will be uploaded onto the EBCOG website four weeks before the examination.

On The Day of EFOG The Examination

Before The EFOG Examination Begins

Candidates must bring their own laptops (not tablets), which have been previously tested to be compatible. They should also bring their power cable with appropriate power sockets and adaptors (European). The organizers will provide candidates with a power supply to connect their computers in the examination hall. EBCOG will not provide computers or adaptors to candidates if they fail to bring their own.

Candidates should arrive at the examination venue one hour before the start of the examination.

Candidates will be registered for the examination at the registration desk:

  •  By providing their identity card/passport with name and photograph (the same that they submitted with their application).
  • And the e-mail print-out sent by ORZONE, confirming that the candidate has been accepted for the KBA examination.

Following confirmation of the identity of the candidate, the invigilator will hand over the candidate’s unique log-in ID.

The candidate will be then directed to his/her seat in the examination hall and will be instructed to log in immediately.

Mobile phones are not allowed in the examination hall. Before entering the examination hall, mobile phones will be switched off and handed over to the examination staff in a secure envelope (labeled with name). The phones will be collected by the candidates on leaving the examination hall.

No text books, papers, documents, calculators or electronic devices are allowed in the examination hall.

Pencils and paper sheets for use during the examination will be provided if needed.

During The EFOG Examination

Identification (name and photograph) should be provided at all times upon request.

Candidates will not start attempting the examination until instructions have been given by the invigilator.

If late, candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall after 30 minutes have elapsed from the start of the examination.

Once candidates have entered the examination hall, they will not be allowed to leave the hall until one hour has passed from the start of the examination.

Candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination hall during the last 15 minutes of the examination. Candidates are not allowed to copy any examination material.

Candidates are not allowed to communicate with other candidates by any means until they exit from the examination hall. If they fail to comply, they will be disqualified and will not be allowed to re-sit the examination for two years.

If a candidate wishes to exit the examination hall temporarily during the exam for any personal reason, he/she will be accompanied at all times by an invigilator (male/female).

If a candidate wishes to communicate with the invigilator, he/she should raise his/her hand. Questions cannot be discussed with the invigilators.

A time warning will be given twice; 30 minutes and 15 minutes before the end of the examination.

Candidates are not allowed to take any photographs in the examination hall at any time.

Any candidate suspected of cheating during the examination will be disqualified. It is noted that keystrokes are being monitored constantly during the examination.

At The End of The EFOG Examination

When the EFOG examination comes to the end, candidates will be asked to stop working at their laptops and submit their paper online. They should remain seated quietly.

Candidates will only leave the examination hall permanently when permission is given by the invigilator.

The examination team takes no responsibility for the loss of personal belongings.

Hope you found this information helpful. We believe this will help you navigate your exam process better. Good luck!

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